With 15 years of highly specialised Application Development experience with the Microsoft Technologies, I work very closely with the technology teams to ensure a rapid turnaround time for highly complex applications. Keeping a close eye on emerging technologies, I ensure that our clients always get that extra edge to maximise the value of their investment.
An Automation Engineer with 15 years of industry experience, I work closely with the Product and Technology teams to ensure that all Infrastructure, Build, Deployement and Test practices are implemented to the highest standards. By maximising the automation of these processes, I ensure that the highest quality product is consistently delivered with minimal chances of human error.
We are highly engaged with our customers and deeply invested in your success. We don't take on too many clients, so we can ensure that you get the best possible service and our full attention at all times. You can contact us whenever you want, and someone from our leadership team will always be available to attend to your needs.
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